You are in charge of developing two 100-KDSI embeded-mode products. Both are nominal in every respect except that product Pl has extra-high complexity and product P2 has very-low complexity. To develop the product, you have two teams at your disposal. Team A has high analyst capability, applications experience, and programmer capability. Team A also has nominal virtual machine experience and programming language experience. Team B is rated very low on all five attributes. a. What is the total effort (in person-months) if team A develops product P1 and team B develops product P2? b. What is the total effort (in person-months) if team B develops product P1 and team A develops product P2? C. Which of the two preceding staffing assignments makes more sense? Is your intuition backed by the predictions of intermediate COCOMO? For embeded-mode product: Nominal effort = 2.8 * (KDSI) 2 person-month