XOR gate:
XOR or Exclusive OR is a digital logic gate that gives a true ( 1 or HIGH) output
when the number of true inputs is odd.
There are several expressions to express the XOR Gate:
Ao+B=(()/(bar) (A)*B)+(A(*)/(b)ar (B))
Ao+B=(A+B)*(()/(bar) (A)(+)/(b)ar (B))
Ao+B=(A+B)(*)/(b)ar ((A*B))
This circuit can be constructed using N-MOS
To build the XOR circuit in LTspice and investigate its truth table using
Transient Analyses, using any of the above expressions.
Clear and neat report shall be submitted, write all the details about the project
including the Schematic Diagram, Simulation result, XOR truth table, details
on how you built the circuit...etc.
Will provide you an Excel sheet including your names, your groups' names
and the required logic family to be used in your project.