Writing a Modular Program in C++
In this lab, you add the input and output statements to a partially completed C++ program. When completed, the user should be able to enter a year, a month, and a day. The program then determines if the date is valid. Valid years are those that are greater than 0, valid months include the values 1 through 12, and valid days include the values 1 through 31.
Notice that variables have been declared for you.
Write the simulated housekeeping() function that contains the prompts and input statements to retrieve a year, a month, and a day from the user.
Include the output statements in the simulated endOfJob() function. The format of the output is as follows:
month/day/year is a valid date.
month/day/year is an invalid date.
Execute the program by clicking the Run button at the bottom of the screen. Enter the following date:
month = 5, day = 32, year = 2014.
Execute the program entering the following date:
month = 9, day = 21, year = 2002.
Program passes incorrect output
0 out of 1 checks passed. Review the results below for more details.
Test CaseIncomplete
Test for incorrect output
2015 44 33
Enter year: 2015 Enter month: 44 Enter day: 33 The date is NOT valid
is an invalid date.
0.00 out of 10.00
Program passes correct output
0 out of 1 checks passed. Review the results below for more details.
Test CaseIncomplete
Test for correct output
2014 02 03
Enter year: 2014 Enter month: 02 Enter day: 03 The date is valid
is a valid date.
Program prompts the user for year, date, and month input
3 out of 3 checks passed. Great work!
Code PatternComplete
Check program for prompting the user for year input
Searched your code for a specific pattern:
You can learn more about regular expressions [here](https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.1.1/Regexp.html).
Code PatternComplete
Check program for prompting the user for day input
Searched your code for a specific pattern:
You can learn more about regular expressions [here](https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.1.1/Regexp.html).
Code PatternComplete
Check program for prompting user for month input
Searched your code for a specific pattern:
You can learn more about regular expressions [here](https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.1.1/Regexp.html).
my code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int year, month, day;
cout << "Enter year: ";
cin >> year;
cout << "Enter month: ";
cin >> month;
cout << "Enter day: ";
cin >> day;
if (year > 0 && (month >= 1 && month <= 12) && (day >= 1 && day <= 31)) {
cout << "The date is valid" << endl;
} else {
cout << "The date is NOT valid" << endl;
return 0;