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Write a powershell script to use the above information and criteria to build a basic estimator.
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Write a powershell script to use the above information and criteria to build a basic estimator.
Here is a couple of scenarios: * Make sure to print your name as shown in outputs.
You are asked to write a powershell script to estimate a wall painting job. Here are some fixed details the user must know. - Mininum square footage considered is 500 - Labor charge is $1.35 per square footage - Gallon of paint $28.00 fixed price - 1 Gallon can paint 400 square feet - Paint stores sell ONLY 1 gallon containers. Case 1: User entered less than 500 sq. ft Script Written By: Your Name Case 2: User entered 500+sq.ft Script Written By: Your Name XYZ Painters In all cases, print the Estimate wall painting cost. Minimum Square Footage: 500 information block and Labor Charge: $1.35/Sq. Ft Paint Cost: $28.?/ Gallon 1 Gallon can paint 400 Sq. Feet square footage. Enter Total Square Feet in walls: 1000 Your Estimate Square Footage: 1000 Labor Charge: $1350 Paint cost 3Gal@$28.00:$84 Total painting cost for 1000 sq. feet is $1434 paining cost as shown