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(Solved): What is pH? What does it represent? What is an acid vs a base? Be able to explain the \( \mathrm{pH ...

What is pH? What does it represent? What is an acid vs a base? Be able to explain the \( \mathrm{pH} \) scale and give exampl
What is pH? What does it represent? What is an acid vs a base? Be able to explain the \( \mathrm{pH} \) scale and give examples of acidic \& basic solutions. Define the composition of nucleic acids. What are they composed of? What is the composition of nucleotides? What is the difference between DNA and RNA? What is ATP? How (the mechanism) is ATP used by the body?

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1. a.pH- It is a figure that represent the acidity and alkalinity of a solution.It is represented by a scale in that 7 is neutral.Lower values are more acidic and higher values more alkaline. b.pH represent the relative amount of free hydrogen and hy
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