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(Solved): What are the three major chemical buffer systems of the body? O Carbonic acid and hemoglobin buffer ...
What are the three major chemical buffer systems of the body? O Carbonic acid and hemoglobin buffer systems O Sodium pump and protein buffer systems O Bicarbonate, phosphate and protein buffer systems O Carbonic acid, phosphate and sodium buffer systems O Hemoglobin and protein buffer systems
Which of the following organs contains the highest percentage of water? O Teeth O Bones Lungs and heart Brain and kidney O Cardiac muscle
What cation is necessary for generation and conduction of action potentials and contributes nearly half of the osmotic pressure of extracellular fluid? O Phosphate lon O Chloride ion O Sodium lon O Calclum ion Potassium ion
Which of the following describes interstitial fluid? O Fluid component of blood O Fluid found surrounding all body cells O Fluid found surrounding cells of the body except blood cells Fluid in the cytosol of body cells O Fluid produced by the glomerulus