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(Solved): using a rasperrypi, a led matrix 8x8 and visual studio code pico (programing in c)and basing in the ...

using a rasperrypi, a led matrix 8x8 and visual studio code pico (programing in c)

and basing in the following diagram and example code:


example code:

student submitted image, transcription available below

student submitted image, transcription available below

Make a code that display on the led matrix a message from left to right

(please send the code or a picture of it and the diagram (or a capture of it) of the connection that you used)


\#include ?stdio.h? \#include CLK on Max7219 board * GPIO 19 (pin 25) MOSI/spie_tx DIN on Max7219 board * 5v (pin 40) VCC on Max7219 board * GND (pin 38) GND on Max7219 board */ unsigned char Memoria[300] ; static const unsigned char Mensaje[] = "ABCD"; int main() \{ set_sys_clock_khz(133000, true); set_sys_clock_khz(133000, true); \( \begin{array}{ll}\text { Ini_Matrix(); } & / / \text { Initialize SPI and MAX7219 } \\ \text { Matrix(Memoria,Mensaje); } & / / \text { Convert ASCII Char To ROWS } \\ \text { write(Memoria); } & / / \text { Send Rows to Dot Matrix Leds } \\ \text { while(1); } & \end{array} \) Ini_Matrix(); // Initialize SPI and MAX7219 Matrix(Memoria,Mensaje); // Convert ASCII Char To ROWS write(Memoria); // Send Rows to Dot Matrix Leds while(1); \} //end main

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