(Solved): Using a quad 2:1 multiplexer, build a circuit which accepts 4-bit binary numbers as inputs with A = ...
Using a quad 2:1 multiplexer, build a circuit which accepts 4-bit binary numbers as inputs with A=A3?A0,B=B3?B0 and has a 4-bit binary number for its output, Y=Y3?Y0. Operation: Y=A or Y=B when the select line is 0 or 1 , respectively. 1. Use 4 switches for the A inputs and 4 switches for the B inputs. Connect the Y outputs to 4 LEDs. Also, use a wire which you will connect to a ' 1 ' or '0' for the select input. Once your circuit is working properly, connect the input wire to a square wave (using a very slow frequency) to implement a time multiplexed output which you can see changing. Why would you do that? IMPORTANT: For your pin diagram, use the logic shown on the right in Figure 6-2 but show the multiplexers vertically rather than horizontally and do not forget to show the input switches, the connection of the clock, the output LEDs and, of course, the correct pin numbers for the four mux's. It is suggested that you have the switches set with A=1010? and B=510? so that it is obvious the