Use the description above to help you label the components of a skeletal muscle. The line pointin ...
Use the description above to help you label the components of a skeletal muscle. The line pointing to the surface refers to the connective tissue covering or the smallest component of a muscle fiber. The components that are circled refers to the component of the muscle (e.g. fasicle, etc.) What is the functional unit of a skeletal muscle fiber? Actin-myosin complex Fascicle Myofibril Sarcomere
Label the sarcomere bands, zones, and filaments \begin{tabular}{l} Myosin \\ \hline Actin \\ \hline Hzone \\ \hline A band \\ \hline I band \\ \hline Zline \\ \hline M line \\ \hline \end{tabular} Label the cytoskeletal proteins Figue 6.7a Disanterate ritws of e sarebontit. The I band of normal length, relaxed skeletal muscle fibers: a. lack myosin b. lack actin c. contains crossbridges d. contains titin \( a \) and \( d \) Huxley offered two observations that led to the sliding filament theory. Select the statement that summarizes one of his observations of muscle during shortening. The length of the A-band increased The A-band length didn't change but the I-band decreased The Z-lines and the thin filaments were no longer attached The H-zone expanded to a length equal to that of the entire sarcomere