(Solved): Use MATLAB to Find the steady state error for the unit step and unit ramp inputs. Use both the fina ...
Use MATLAB to Find the steady state error for the unit step and unit ramp inputs. Use both the finalvalue theorem and input substitution method. x?(t)=????303??15?8?6?27?2????x(t)+???5?32????r(t)y(t)=[1??7?3?]x(t)?
To use MATLAB to find the steady-state error for the given system, we first need to define the system using the state-space representation. Then, we can use the built-in functions step and lsim to simulate the system's response to unit step and unit ramp inputs, respectively, and calculate the steady-state error using the final-value theorem or input substitution method.Here's the MATLAB code:
% Define the state-space system
A = [3 -15 2; 0 -8 7; 3 -6 -2];
B = [5; -3; 2];
C = [1 -7 3];
D = 0;
sys = ss(A, B, C, D);