(Solved): Uie technology to find the indicated area under the standars Normal curve. Incluse an appropriately ...
Uie technology to find the indicated area under the standars Normal curve. Incluse an appropriately labeled skelch of the Nomal eurve and shade the apgropriate iegon. a. Find the probabilty that a 2-40ore witi be 223 oe less. b. Find the probabity that a z-score wilt be 223 or more. c. Find the probably that a z-400re wil be betwen ?1.4 and ?1.04. Which graph below shows the probabely fat a 3 score is 2.20 oc loss? A. B. C. D. The probabily fat a 2 soore will be 223 or hos is (Forend bo four decimal places es neesed) b. Which greph below show the irobabity that a zwore is 223 er more? Tre probatilfy that e t seere wit be 2 2t or mos a Time Pemaing 012534
The probebile f fat a tocort =i be 2.23 er mene it Quetions. (lecund io tise decimal places as peedet) 6. Wirh or aph reinw shews ena juctidely thid a r socore a belesei ?14 ast =1647 Questica 6 oustion 7 Quesion 1