(Solved): Two anti-ansiety tabless \{Drugs \( \mathrm{A} \) and \( \mathrm{B} \) ) were tested on a sample of ...
Two anti-ansiety tabless \{Drugs \( \mathrm{A} \) and \( \mathrm{B} \) ) were tested on a sample of six adults with generalired anxiefy disorder, Each paricipant recaived ding \( A \) for one week of the stuby, and drag 8 for the other week, At the end of each week the partiopants cocpleted a measure of eapersenced anxiefy \{oossithe scores on the scale range from 0 - no anxiety to 20 - severe anxiety) yieldirg the following data: Compute the appregrate statistic to deterrine whether there is a difference in the eflectiveness of the two drugh. Use this information tit tirin the blanks A Q1. Tevealed that level of arviety was \( Q 2 \). atteer taking Drug A than Drug 8 . 93 . Based on this dala. we should: Q6. Possible answers for Q1: A) A repeated measures t-test B) An independent groups f-test. C) \( m=i n g l e \) sample tost D) A single sample k-tert Possible answers for Q2: A) significanty less B) significanty thore cy rot signficantly different D) less somifucant Possible answers for Q3: A) 815 )