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TRIP GENERATION PROBLEMS a. List three factors that affect trip generation. b. Let the trip rat ...
TRIP GENERATION PROBLEMS a. List three factors that affect trip generation. b. Let the trip rate of a zone be explained by the household size done from a field survey. It was found that the household sizes are 1.2,3.4.5,&6. The trip rates of the corresponding household is shown in the table below. (i) iit a linear equation relating trip rate and household size. (ii) Compute the trip rate if the household average is 2.25 . (NB: Each household, 3 persons make the trips/day to different destinations). TRIP DISTRIBUTION PROBLEMS a. State the Gravity model and also state the reasons why it is the most used trip distribution, model worldwide. b. The target- year productions and relative attractiveness of four zones in a city in Nigeria have been estimated as follows: The calibration of the Gravity model tor this city estimated the parameter C to be 3.0 and all socio-economic adjustment factors to be equal to unity.