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(Solved): tic_tac_toe.py tic_tac_toe.py is the beloved game that we are all familiar with. Tic-tac-toe is pe ...

tic_tac_toe.py is the beloved game that we are all familiar with. Tic-tac-toe is perfect for this lab because \( 0^{\prime} \) s Turn: 37
Invalid coordinate. Please enter a coordinate of the format  \( 1,1^{\prime} \) .
\( 0^{\prime}

tic_tac_toe.py tic_tac_toe.py is the beloved game that we are all familiar with. Tic-tac-toe is perfect for this lab because it is played on a \( 3 \times 3 \) grid. To play the game, two players take turns marking the grid and the first player to get 3 of their marks in a row (up, down, or diagonally) is the winner. When all 9 squares are full, the game is over. Requirements - Before each turn, display the grid to the players. - \( X \) starts the game. Prompt player \( X \) for a coordinate in the format \( X \) 's Turn: - The input should be in the format \( x, y \) where \( x \) is the \( x \) coordinate and \( y \) is the y coordinate. - If the coordinate isn't valid, tell the player Invalid coordinate. Please enter a coordinate of the format ' 1,1 ' . and prompt the same player for a new coordinate. - If the coordinate is already occupied, tell the player coordinate already occupied. Please enter a new coordinate. and prompt the same player for a new coordinate. - Then it is O's turn. Prompt player O for a coordinate in the format o's Turn: and ensure that the input is valid. - The players will continue take turns making marks until someone wins the game or all 9 squares are full. - After a players turn, check to see if that player has won the game with three in a row (down, across, or diagonally). - If the player won, display the grid and declare the winner in the format \( x \) Wins! or o Wins! depending on the winner. Then end the program. - If the player didn't win, it is the next players turn. - If all 9 squares are full, that is called a cat's game. If this happens, show the \( 0^{\prime} \) s Turn: 37 Invalid coordinate. Please enter a coordinate of the format ' \( 1,1^{\prime} \) '. \( 0^{\prime} \) s Turn: 42 Invalid coordinate. Please enter a coordinate of the format ' \( 1,1^{\prime} \) ' \( 0^{\prime} \) s Turn: 2,0 O X 0 X X 0 . X's Turn: 0,1 O X 0 XX X 0 . \( 0^{\prime} \) s Turn: 2,2 \( 0 \times 0 \) X X X 0 O X's Turn: 2,1 O X 0 X X X X 0 O X Wins!

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Implement the tic tac game in python and shoe the ame output def printBoard(board): print(board[7] + ' ' + board[8] + ' ' + board[9]) print(board[4] +
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