(Solved): The (standard) Cauchy distribution has a probability density function defined by f(x)=(1+x2)1, ...
The (standard) Cauchy distribution has a probability density function defined by f(x)=?(1+x2)1?, for x?(??,?). The Cauchy distribution arises in several ways. For example, it is equivalent to a Student's t-distribution with 1 degree of freedom. It is unimodal and symmetric about 0 , but its expectation and variance are undefined. (a) Consider the standard normal distribution N(0,1) with probability density function defined by g(x)=2??1?e?x2/2, for x?(??,?)
Show that g(x) is not a suitable trial distribution to use rejection sampling to sample from f(x). What property of the standard normal density prevents it from being a suitable trial distribution for the Cauchy distribution? Hint: Plot the density curves (dcauchy () and dnorm() in R), or multiples of them, to help understand the issue. Investigate the density curves on different parts of the x-axis.
It can be shown that if U and V are independent N(0,1) random variables, then the ratio X=U/V has a standard Cauchy distribution. This construction allows us to generate samples from the Cauchy distribution. If X1?,X2?,…,Xn? are iid standard Cauchy random variables, consider the sample mean X?=n1??i=1n?Xi?. For n=100 and 1000 repetitions, approximate the sampling distribution of the sample mean to show that X? does not have a normal distribution. In particular, standardize the sampling distribution and verify that it is does not resemble a N(0,1) distribution. Note: This problem shows that the Central Limit Theorem does not apply to the Cauchy distribution. In fact, it can be shown that X? itself has a standard Cauchy distribution.