The motion of a lifting surface about the steady flight path due to atmospheric turbulence can ...
The motion of a lifting surface about the steady flight path due to atmospheric turbulence can be represented by the equation x¨(t)+2??n?x?(t)+?n2?x(t)=m1?F(t) where ?n? is the natural frequency, m is the mass, and ? is the damping coefficient of the system. The forcing function F(t) denotes the random lift due to the air turbulence and its spectral density is given by [14.17] SF?(?)=(1+v??c?)ST?(?)? where c is the chord length, v is the forward velocity of the lifting surface, and ST?(?) is the spectral density of the upward velocity of air due to turbulence, given by ST?(?)=A2{1+(vL??)2}21+(vL??)2? where A is a constant and L is the scale of turbulence (constant). Find the mean square value of the response x(t) of the lifting surface.