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(Solved): The mass spectrum of compound A shows the molecular ion at m/z85, an M+1 peak at m/z86 of approx ...
The mass spectrum of compound A shows the molecular ion at m/z?85, an M+1 peak at m/z86 of approximately 6% abundance relative to M, and an M+2 peak at m/287 of less than 0.1% abundance relative to M. Assuming that compound A has only C1?,H, and one N atoms, determine the molecular formula, and then draw a possible structure if compound A has an 1R absorption at 1620?1680cm?1,2 absorptions at 3280?3450cm?1, and a (q,1H) absorption at 4.6?5.78 in the 1H?NMR spectrum. - You do not have to consider stereochemistry. - You do not have to explicitly draw H atoms. - If more than one structure fits the description, draw thern all. - Separate structures with + signs from th 2 drop-down menu.