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The graph below shows a plot of Pendulum Period vs. Pendulum Length. Error bars have been added to ...
The graph below shows a plot of Pendulum Period vs. Pendulum Length. Error bars have been added to the graph, but they do not appear because they are smaller than the blue data points. How could you use this data to find a value for gravity? A Simple Pendulum with Variable String Lengths Generate a trendline for this plot, and use the slope of the trendline to find gravity Generate a trendline for a plot of period versus square root of length, and use the slope of the trendline to find gravity Generate a trendline for a plat of period versus length squared, and use the slape of the trendline to find g??vity Generate a trendline for period squared versus length squared, and use the slope of the trendine to find Hravity,