The following graph plots a supply curve (orange line) for several sellers in the market for motor scooters in College Station, aniversity town in Texas. Each seller has a single motor scooter for sale. The market price of motor scooters is given by the horizontal black line at $300. Each rectangle on the graph corresponds to a particular seller in this market: blue (circle symbols) for Eric, green (triangle symbols) for Ginny, purple (diamond symbols) for Kenji, tan (dash symbols) for Lucia, and orange (square symbols) for Paolo. (Note: The name fabets are to the night of the corresponding segment on the supply curve.)
Use the rectangles to shade the areas representing producer surplus for each person who is willing to sell a motor scooter at a market price of s3oo. (Note: If a person will not sell a motor scooter at the market pnice, indicate this by leaving their rectangle in its original position on the palette.) thased on the infommation on the preceding graph, you can tell that Will sell motor scooters at the arven market price, and total producer sumplus in thas market wil be
Based on the information on the preceding graph, you can tell that will sell motor scooters at the grven market price, and total producer surplus in this market will be Suppose the market price of a motor scooter decreases to $180. On the following graph, use the rectangles once again to shade the areas representing producer surplus for cach person who is willing to sell a motor scooter at the new market price; blue (arde symbols) for Eric, green (triangle symbols) for Ginny, purple (dramond symbols) for Kenj, tan (dash symbols) for Lucia, and orange (square symbols) for Paolo. (Note: if a person will not sell a motor scooter at the new marker price, indicate this by Feaving their rectangie in its origunal position on the palette.)
On the following graph, use the rectangles once again to shade the areas representing producer surpius for ejch person who is willing to sell a motor scooter at the new market pnce: blue (circle symbols) for Eric, green (triangle symbols) for Ginny, purpie (diamond symbols) for Kenje, tan (dasth symbols) for Lucia, and orange (square symbols) for Paolo. (Note: If a person will not sell a motor scooter at the new market price, indicate this by leaving their rectangle in its original position on the polotte.)
Eased on the informabon in the second graph, when the market price of a motor scooter decreases to 5180, the number of selleis waling to sell a motor scogter to and total producer surplus to