The following diagram shows the process of canning pears. Using visuals can be quite important in ...
The following diagram shows the process of canning pears. Using visuals can be quite important in describing a process. Based on the flow chart below, elaborate on the visual.
Introduction - \( 10 \% \) A general overview of about the diagram (about pears and the process) Discussion Points \( -40 \% \) Some of the key areas that could be focussed: - Focus on the farms that grow pears - Selecting the pears - Harvesting - Transporting - Grading - Cold storage - Peeling - Slicing - Blanching - Filling - Sealing - Cooking - Storage - Labelling - Despatch
You may begin the content in this manner; The picture shows the different steps to produce canned fruit. The production starts with picking fruit by hand and ending with the selling in the supermarket. Firstly, the fresh fruits are picked and transported to the factory by large trucks. Conclusion \( -10 \% \) : You may end the write-up by stating: Finally, the finished product is dispatched to be sold in the supermarket...........