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The compound iron(III) acetate, Fe(CH3COO)3 is soluble in water. Write the net ionic equatio ...
The compound iron(III) acetate, Fe(CH3?COO)3? is soluble in water. Write the net ionic equation for the dissociation reaction that occurs when solid iron(III) acetate dissolves in water: Be sure to specify states such as (aq) or (s).
The compound iron(II) acetate, Fe(CH3?COO)2? is soluble in water. Write the net ionic equation for the dissociation reaction that occurs when solid iron(II) acetate dissolves in water: Be sure to specify states such as (aq) or (s).
Scoring: Your score will be based on the number of correct matches minus the number of incorrect matches. There is no penalty for missing matches. Use the References to access important values if needed for this question. Match the solutions to the descriptions of the freezing points. One mole of the ionic compound CuSO4? dissolved in 1000g highest freezing point H2?O One mole of the nonelectrolyte C3?H8?O intermediate freezing dissolved in 1000g point H2?O One mole of the ionic compound Pb(NO3?)2? lowest freezing point dissolved in 1000g
Scoring: Your score will be based on the number of correct matches minus the number of incorrect matches. There is no penalty for missing matches. Use the References to access important values if needed for this question. Match the solutions to the descriptions of the freezing points. One mole of the nonelectrolyte C6?H12?O6? dissolved in highest freezing point 1000gH2?O One mole of the ionic compound CuSO4? intermediate freezing dissolved in 1000gH2?O One mole of the ionic compound CuBr2? lowest freezing point dissolved in 1000g