The circuit below is used to bias a short-channel MOSFET small-signal amplifier in t ...
The circuit below is used to bias a short-channel MOSFET small-signal amplifier in the saturation region: The transistor M1? has the following parameters: Kn?=3.75mA/V2,VTh?=0.3V, and ?=2/3V?1.
Problem 3: The circuit below is used to bias a short-channel MOSFET small-signal amplifier in the saturation region: The transistor M1? has the following parameters: Kn?=3.75mA/V2,VTh?=0.3V, and ?=2/3V?1. a) Determine the DC operating point of the circuit while neglecting the effects of channel-length modulation. Ans: VGS?=519.231mV;ID?=90.116?A. b) Determine the DC operating point of the circuit while including the effects of channel-length modulation. Ans: VGS?=519.231mV;ID?=136.015?A. c) What is the percent-error introduced in ID? by neglecting channel-length modulation in this short-channel device? Ans: ?ID?=?33.745%.