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The carbocation intermediate formed in the first step is resonance-stabilized. Draw the ...
The carbocation intermediate formed in the first step is resonance-stabilized. Draw the other resonance structure (by modifying the provided drawing) and add curved arrow(s) to convert the first resonance structure into the second one. Use the +/ - tools to add/remove charges, and use the single bond tool to interconvert between double and single bonds.
Draw the major product expected when 1,3-butadiene is treated with one equivalent of HBr at 0?C and show a mechanism for its formation.
Correct. Protonation at the indicated position leads to a resonance-stabilized carbocation. Add any remaining curved arrow(s) to draw step 1 of one of the mechanism. Modify the given drawing of the product as needed to show the intermediate that is formed in this step. Use the +/- tools to add/remove charges, and use the single bond tool to interconvert between double and single bonds.