(Solved): The accompanying data file shows the average SAT math score (Math), the average SAI witing score (W ...
The accompanying data file shows the average SAT math score (Math), the average SAI witing score (Writing). the number of test takers (Iest. Taker), and whether the school is a private or public school (Iype) for 25 high schools in a major metropolitan area. a.1. Construct a bubble plot that shows math score on the x-axis, witing score on the y-axis, and number of test takers as the size of the bubble Given the bubble plot, which statement best describes the relationship between math scores and writing scores? Math scores and writing scores have no relationship. Math scores and writing scores have a positive linear reletionship. Math scores and writing scores tiave a negotive lineor relationship. Math scores and writing scores have a non linear (U-shoped) relotionship. a-2. Given the bubble plot, which statement best describes the relationship betwoen math scores and the size of the school (the number of test takers)? Math scores and the size of the schoot have no apparent relationship Larger schools have higher test scores. Smaller schools have higher test scores: Moth scores and the size of the school have an inverted U-shaped relationship:
b. Construct a scatteiplot that shows math score on the x-axis and writing score on the y-axis. Use different colors or symbols to show whether the high schooi is a private or a public school. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship befween Whath scores, wiling scores, and type of school? Pivate schools tend to have higher math and witing scores. Publis schools tend to hawe higher math and writing scoces. There is no relationship between type of school and test scores. Aoth types of schools show a negative relationship between moth and writing scores.
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline 1 & School & Math & Writing & Test_Takers & Type \\ \hline 2 & 1 & 456 & 423 & 228 & Public \\ \hline 3 & 2 & 437 & 393 & 475 & Public \\ \hline 4 & 3 & 440 & 405 & 98 & Public \\ \hline 5 & 4 & 492 & 491 & 135 & Private \\ \hline 6 & 5 & 441 & 430 & 270 & Public \\ \hline 7 & 6 & 371 & 360 & 101 & Public \\ \hline 8 & 7 & 376 & 350 & 94 & Public \\ \hline 9 & 8 & 496 & 423 & 396 & Public \\ \hline 10 & 9 & 604 & 628 & 130 & Private \\ \hline 11 & 10 & 568 & 550 & 155 & Private \\ \hline 12 & 11 & 563 & 518 & 104 & Public \\ \hline 13 & 12 & 575 & 592 & 261 & Private \\ \hline 14 & 13 & 472 & 448 & 185 & Private \\ \hline 15 & 14 & 370 & 362 & 131 & Public \\ \hline 16 & 15 & 394 & 388 & 114 & Public \\ \hline 17 & 16 & 456 & 440 & 131 & Private \\ \hline 18 & 17 & 421 & 411 & 141 & Private \\ \hline 19 & 18 & 449 & 435 & 119 & Public \\ \hline 20 & 19 & 361 & 353 & 121 & Public \\ \hline 21 & 20 & 413 & 413 & 259 & Public \\ \hline 22 & 21 & 471 & 433 & 97 & Private \\ \hline 23 & 22 & 451 & 450 & 137 & Private \\ \hline 24 & 23 & 435 & 429 & 375 & Public \\ \hline 25 & 24 & 426 & 410 & 443 & Public \\ \hline 26 & 25 & 594 & 592 & 127 & Private \\ \hline 27 & & & & & \\ \hline 28 & & & & & \\ \hline \end{tabular}