TABLE A-15 Properties of air at 1 atm pressure Specific Thermal Dynamic Kinematic Prandtl Temp., Density. Conductivity, k. W/m. "C Thermal Diffusivity, a, m²/s Viscosity, Heat, C?J/kg. "C Number, T. "C Viscosity, v, m²/s p. kg/m³ ?. kg/m.s Pr -150 2.866 983 8.636 x 10-6 3.013 x 10-6 0.7246 -100 2.038 966 0.01171 0.01582 0.01979 1.189 x 10-6 5.837 x 10-6 -50 1.582 999 1.474 x 10-5 0.7263 0.7440 9.319 x 10-6 -40 1.514 1002 1.527 x 10-5 1.008 x 10-5 0.7436 0.02057 0.02134 1004 1.579 x 10-5 1.087 x 10-5 0.7425 -30 1.451 -20 1.394 -10 1.341 1005 1.169 x 10- 0.7408 1006 0.02211 0.02288 0.02364 0.7387 1.630 x 10-5 1.680 x 10-5 1.729 x 10-5 1.754 x 10-5 1006 1006 1.252 x 10- 1.338 x 10-5 1.382 x 10-5 0.02401 0 1.292 5 1.269 10 1.246 15 1.225 20 1.204 0.7362 0.7350 0.7336 1006 4.158 x 10-6 8.036 x 10-6 1.252 x 10-5 1.356 x 10-5 1.465 x 10-5 1.578 x 10-5 1.696 x 10-5 1.818 x 10-5 1.880 x 10-5 1.944 x 10-5 2.009 x 10- 2.074 x 10-5 2.141 x 10-5 2.208 x 10-5 2.277 x 10-5 2.346 x 10-5 2.416 x 10-5 2.487 x 10-5 2.632 x 10-5 2.780 x 10-5 0.02439 1.426 x 10-5 1.470 x 10-5 1007 0.02476 0.7323 1007 0.02514 1.516 x 10-5 1.184 1007 0.02551 1.778 x 10-5 1.802 x 10-5 1.825 x 10-5 1.849 x 10- 1.872 x 10-5 1.895 x 10-5 1.918 x 10-5 1.562 x 10-5 0.7309 0.7296 0.7282 1.164 1007 0.02588 1.608 x 10-5 1.145 1007 0.02625 1.655 x 10-5 1.127 1007 0.02662 1.702 x 10-5 0.7268 0.7255 0.7241 1.109 1007 0.02699 1.941 x 10-5 1.750 x 10-5 1.798 x 10-5 1.092 1007 1.963 x 10-5 0.7228 60 0.02735 0.02808 1.059 1007 2.008 x 10-5 1.896 x 10-5 0.7202 70 1.028 1007 0.02881 2.052 x 10-5 1.995 x 10-5 0.7177 80 0.9994 1008 0.02953 2.931 x 10-5 2.096 x 10- 2.097 x 10-5 90 0.9718 1008 0.03024 2.139 x 10-5 3.086 x 10-5 3.243 x 10- 0.7154 0.7132 100 0.9458 2.201 x 10-5 2.306 x 10-5 1009 0.03095 0.7111 1011 0.03235 120 0.8977 140 0.8542 2.181 x 10-5 2.264 x 10- 2.345 x 10-5 2.522 x 10-5 0.7073 1013 3.565 x 10- 3.898 x 10- 4.241 x 10-5 0.03374 2.745 x 10-5 0.7041 160 0.8148 1016 0.03511 2.420 x 10-5 2.975 x 10-5 0.7014 180 0.7788 1019 0.03646 2.504 x 10-5 3.212 x 10-5 0.6992 200 0.7459 1023 0.03779 2.577 x 10-5 3.455 x 10-5 0.6974 250 0.6746 1033 0.04104 4.593 x 10-5 4.954 x 10-5 5.890 x 10-5 6.871 x 10-5 7.892 x 10-5 2.760 x 10-5 4.091 x 10-5 300 0.6158 1044 0.04418 2.934 x 10-5 4.765 x 10-5 0.6946 0.6935 350 0.5664 1056 0.04721 3.101 x 10-5 5.475 x 10-5 0.6937 400 0.5243 1069 0.05015 3.261 x 10-5 6.219 x 10-5 0.6948 450 0.4880 1081 0.05298 8.951 x 10-5 1.004 x 10-4 1.117 x 10-4 3.415 x 10-5 6.997 x 10-5 0.6965 500 0.4565 1093 0.05572 3.563 x 10-5 7.806 x 10-5 0.6986 600 0.4042 1115 0.06093 1.352 x 10-4 3.846 x 10-5 9.515 x 10-5 0.7037 1135 0.06581 700 0.3627 800 0.3289 4.111 x 10-5 1.133 x 10-4 0.7092 1153 0.07037 4.362 x 10-5 1.326 x 10-4 0.7149 900 0.3008 1169 4.600 x 10-5 1.529 x 10-4 1.598 x 10-4 1.855 x 10-4 2.122 x 10-4 2.398 x 10-4 3.908 x 10-4 5.664 x 10-4 0.07465 0.07868 0.7206 1000 0.2772 1184 4.826 x 10-5 1.741 x 10-4 0.7260 1500 0.1990 2000 0.1553 1234 5.817 x 10-5 2.922 x 10-4 0.7478 0.09599 0.11113 1264 6.630 x 10-5 4.270 x 10-4 0.7539 Note: For ideal gases, the properties C, K. and Pr are independent of pressure. The properties p. v, and a at a pressure P (in atm) other than 1 atm are determined by multiplying the values of p at the given temperature by P and by dividing and by P Source: Data generated from the EES software developed by S. A. Klein and F. L Alvarado. Original sources: Keenan, Chao, Keyes, Gas Tables, Wiley, 198 and Thermophysical Properties of Matter, Vol. 3: Thermal Conductivity. Y. S. Touloukian, P. E. Liley, S. C. Saxena, Vol. 11: Viscosity, Y. S. Touloukian, S.C. Saxena, and P. Hestermans, IFI/Plenun, NY, 1970, ISBN 0-306067020-8. W 50 25 30 35 50 45 50 40
Q2 a) Consider the wing of an aircraft as a flat plate of 25 m length in the flow direction (Figure 2). The plane is moving at 100 m/s in air that is at a pressure of 0.7 bar and a temperature of 10°C. The top surface of the wing absorbs solar radiation at a rate of 800 W/m2. Assume the wing to be of solid construction and to have a single, uniform temperature. Estimate the steady-state temperature of the wing. Refer Table A-15 for air thermophysical properties. (12 marks)
Air 40.= 100 km/s Too=263 K P=0.7 bar conv Figure 2 9's,abs = 800 W/m² a conv Ts L = 2.5m
TABLE A.5 Thermophysical Properties of Saturated Fluids" Saturated Liquids T P Cp V. 106 ?·10² (N-s/m²) k. 10³ (W/m .K) (K) (kg/m³) (kJ/kg. K) (m²/s) Engine Oil (Unused) 273 899.1 1.796 385 147 280 895.3 1.827 217 144 290 890.0 1.868 145 300 884.1 1.909 145 310 877.9 1.951 145 320 871.8 1.993 143 330 865.8 2.035 141 340 859.9 2.076 139 350 853.9 2.118 138 360 847.8 2.161 138 370 841.8 2.206 137 380 836.0 2.250 136 390 830.6 2.294 135 400 825.1 2.337 134 410 818.9 2.381 133 420 812.1 2.427 133 430 806.5 2.471 132 99.9 48.6 25.3 14.1 8.36 5.31 3.56 2.52 1.86 1.41 1.10 0.874 0.698 0.564 0.470 4280 2430 1120 550 288 161 96.6 61.7 41.7 29.7 22.0 16.9 13.3 10.6 8.52 6.94 5.83 a. 107 (m²/s) 0.910 0.880 0.872 0.859 0.847 0.823 0.800 0.779 0.763 0.753 0.738 0.723 0.709 0.695 0.682 0.675 0.662 Pr 47,000 27,500 12,900 6400 3400 1965 1205 793 546 395 300 233 187 152 125 103 88 B. 10³ (K-¹) 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70