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(Solved): Subject: telecom and networks
1. (15) Show the NRZ, NRZI, and Manchester encoding for the bit pat ...
Subject: telecom and networks
1. (15) Show the NRZ, NRZI, and Manchester encoding for the bit pattem shown in the figure below. Assume that the NRZI 2. (10) Use the bits given in problem 1 to draw a PSK. Assume "0" is modulated by one period of sine wave; "I" is modulated by a phase shift by ?. Then, please also draw a differential PSK. 3. (15) Consider a signal with a sample frequency of 70Hz, and the input signal contains the following frequencies: 10Hz, 25Hz,50Hz, and 100Hz. Are these frequencies sampled correctly? Why? If not, give the alias frequencies. 4. (10) Signal m(t)=9+Acos(?t), where A?10V. If m(t) is evenly quantized with 40 quantization levels, please decide how many bits are needed? and what is quantization size? What is the signal to quantization noise ratio in dB ?