Redo Example 2.2a to find the power of a sinusoid C cos (@ot+0) by averaging the signal energy ov ...
Redo Example 2.2a to find the power of a sinusoid C cos (@ot+0) by averaging the signal energy over one period 27/wo (rather than averaging over the infinitely large interval).
Example 2.2 Determine the power and rms value of the following three periodic signals. (a) g(t) = C cos (wot+0) (b) (@1 #w?) g(t)= C? cos (@?t+0?) + C? cos (w?t+0?) g(t) = Dejwot (c) (a) This is a periodic signal with period To = 27/wo. The suitable measure of its size is power. Because it is a periodic signal, we may compute its power by averaging its energy over one period 27/wo. However, for the sake of generality, we shall solve this problem by averaging over an infinitely large time interval using Eq. (2.3). 1 T/2 1 CT/2 C² Pg= C² cos² (wot+0) dt = _lim = lim T?? T [1 + cos (2wot+20)] dt -T/2 T?? T 2 C² CT/2 C² T/2 = lim dt + lim cos (2wot+20) dt T?? 2T T?? 2T -T/2 LIP