QUESTION 2 [ 10+10=20 marks] A) A self-bias circuit is shown in Figure 2A. The transistor is biase ...
QUESTION 2 [ 10+10=20 marks] A) A self-bias circuit is shown in Figure 2A. The transistor is biased for constant base current. If ?=80,VCEQ?=8V,VBEQ?=0.7V,RC?=3k?, and VCC?=15V, find the values of ICQ? and RB?. Figure 2A B) Calculate the output voltage, v0? for the circuit shown in Figure 2B. Assume, R2?=100k?, R1?=50k?,R=10k?, and vs1?=vs2?=2V. [Hints: Use superposition theorem to derive the expression of v0? ]. rigure ?B