(Solved): Question 13 - 15 marks A dry gas has a specific gravity of 0.648 at reservoir temperature of 185F ...
Question 13 - 15 marks A dry gas has a specific gravity of 0.648 at reservoir temperature of 185°F and reservoir pressure of 2562 psia. Evaluate: a) OGIP, given that the gas reservoir has an area 170 acres, a uniform thickness of 15 ft, a porosity of 26% and a connate water saturation of 22%. (9 marks) 4 b) Recoverable and Remaining reserves with a recovery factor of 48%. (6 marks) 2 Tpc = 168 + 325 yg - 12.5 yg² 2 Ppc = 677 + 15.0 yg - 37.5 yg² Ppr Tpr = _P Ppc T T? pe
Ppc = 677 +15.0 Yg - 37.5 Yg Ppr Tpr B? = P Ppc OGIP T Ipc pe = 0.0282 T P 43560Ahp(1-S) B gi Recoverable Reserves = RF x OGIP 4