(Solved): Q3 Given the following wall assembly (section diagram), R-0.3 (IP) \( \mathrm{k}=1 \mathrm{BTU}-\ma ...
Q3 Given the following wall assembly (section diagram), R-0.3 (IP) \( \mathrm{k}=1 \mathrm{BTU}-\mathrm{in} / \mathrm{hr}-\mathrm{ft} 2-\mathrm{F} \) R-3 (IP) R-1 (IP) Q3.1(10\%) What is the overall R-value (IP) of the wall? Q3.2 (10\%) If the outdoor surface wind condition speed of the wall assembly in Q3 is \( 6.7 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s} \) in winter. What is the overall R-value (IPY fconsider comvectioni? Q3.3 (10\%) What is the steady-state heat flux (a) through the wall?