(Solved): Q1-) a-) Consider fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe. If the diameter of the pipe is r ...
Q1-) a-) Consider fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe. If the diameter of the pipe is reduced by half while the volume flow rate, Q, and the pipe length, L are held constant, the head loss, hf? will (a) double, (b) triple, (c) quadruple, (d) increase by a factor of 8 , or (e) increase by a factor of 16 . Please find the correct answer by using the following equations; U=Q/A;Re=(?UD)/? and hf?=Re64?DL?2gu2? b-) We know that the lift coefficient, CL? of the wing without flaps is equal to 1.52 . When the wing is coupled with the flap the lift coefficient, CL? of the wing increase to a value of 2.67 by having a slot between the wing and the flap as seen in the figure. Why do you think the lift coefficient, CL? increases? Please explain properly. c-) Explain under which conditions the static pressure changes non-linearly along the straight pipe of an incompressible, steady and turbulent flow. b-2) Prove that the velocity increases in the converging part of the nozzle and decreases in the divergent part of the nozzle using the following equation. AdA?=?VdV?(1?Ma2)