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(Solved): q-2 1. 17 August - You discovered that Aice Springs, a debtor of Darwin Giobal went bankrupt o ...
1. 17 August - You discovered that Aice Springs, a debtor of Darwin Giobal went bankrupt on 10 August. The most recont sale had laken place on 25 May and no iransicurie had cencirried since that date. 22) Aiguat - You discovered that legal acbori commenced against Darwin Global in relation to a fauily product sold in May 2022. * It Septernber - A fre bunt down one of Danwin Globars warehouses, resuiting in a loss of \( 15 \% \) of the inventory that was on hand at that dale 1. 20 Sepivmber - You diacovered that Katherine, a debsor of Darwin Global, went bankrupt on 31 . July Sains to Honesty were all inade teloce the end of the year. REQUIRED: a For EACH event, indicate if the auditor is responsible to investigate and outine the key additional audit procedures you should have performed: (S marks) For EACH event, outline your recommendation as to the appropriate accounting treatment in the financial statements (i.e. adjust, disclose, or nothing) dustify you For cachevent, is marks) For EACH event. identify the appropriafe auditor's opinion if management did not agree with your audit recommendation. Justify your antwet. (S maiks)
ffFQUIRED: anwwer, (5) inarks) For EACM rvent, Westify the apprepriate auditor's opinion if management did not agree with your audit recommendation. Justify your answeit. (5) aitaic) Yw may wash to present your antwer in the form of the folloming table: