(Solved): Project \\#5: This exercise is a field study which deals with collecting and analyzing sample data. ...
Project \\#5: This exercise is a field study which deals with collecting and analyzing sample data. Thus, you are to design an experiment where you collect data on two qualitative variables and create a contingency table with a minimum of two categories for one variable and a minimum of three categories for the other variable. See text for some examples. You also need to meet the minimum sample requirements for the appropriate tests you perform. Your presentation of the data and the analysis (i.e. what does all this mean) will include, as a minimum, the following: 1. Describe the experiment, the population characteristics (i.e. from what population are you sampling), sampling method, and possible bias in your sample. 2. Create a cross tabulation table using Minitab and explain/summarize your results. 3. Test for independence of the two qualitative variables. Use a \5 significance level and follow appropriate hypothesis testing procedures. Solve manually and with Minitab.