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Project 1 Instructions Design a spreadsheet to calculate the class's grades. Consider the followin ...
Project 1 Instructions Design a spreadsheet to calculate the class's grades. Consider the following requirements: 1. Each project and quizzes will be graded from 0 to 10. 2. See the course syllabus to identify the contribution of each grade to the final grade. 3. Tests will be graded from 0 to 100, but your solution should allow different grades (i.e 80 points, 90, or 95). This flexibility is very important. 4. Program your solution to set a numeric final grade. 5. Program your solution to translate the numeric grade to the letter grade using the grading scale Table in the course syllabus. You must use a LOOKUP (or VLOOKUP) table to do this translation Functionality, usability, and proper design will be considered for grading the assignment. Please read Project 1 Rubric.
Grading Evaluation Deliverable Quizzes (8) Projects (projects 1,2,3, 4, and 6) Midterm Final test Total Weight (%) 20 40 20 20 100
Since the actual excel sheet can not be uploaded, hopefully these snapshots will be helpful Go through the orange row (row #5) to see the formula. In essence, to find the final grade, calculate the actual percentage score in each of the four categori