PROCEDURE IC 7432 Construct the circuit as shown in Figure 1.3 to Figure 1.6. Refer to the Appendix
for pin configuration. Connect the circuit to the
power supply Power ON the power supply and observe the LEDs indicator. Fill in Table 1.1 to 1.4 in the result sheet with
to match the LEDs indications in the right side of the table. If the LED is ON, the logic is ' 1 ' and if the LED is OFF, logic is ' 0 '. Write the Boolean Expression for each output. Show your result sheet to your instructor after each experiment and submit this document to your instructor at the end of the session. Figure 1.4 Combinational Circuit 2 (IC 7400) RESULT SHEET Table 1.1 Result Sheet \table[[CIRCUIT,RESULT],[\table[[Figure 1.3],[Combinational],[Circuit 1]],A,B,C,X],[0,0,0,],[0,0,1,],[0,1,0,],[0,1,1,],[1,0,0,],[1,0,1,],[1,1,0,],[1,1,1,],[\table[[From the result, write the Boolean equation for output