Problem Description The aim of this project is to build a board game called “TAG.” Developing this game will enhance students’ ability to program using Visual Basic for Excel. The game can be played with two to nine players. However, we will consider only the case when the game is played with two players or a player and a computer. The student should develop an algorithm, based on the game logic described below, to generate computer moves when the game is played between a player and the computer. Below we describe the rules of playing the game. The playing board for this game consists of 81 squares (nine squares wide and nine squares long). The squares in the four corners of the playing board are colorless. The two squares adjacent to the two sides of each corner are labeled “Start for Chaser” (there are a total of eight such squares on the board). The center square of the playing board is labeled “The King.” The center square on each of the outside rows of the playing board is labeled “Home Base.” To start the game, the players need two six-faced dice, three tokens, and a number of fence lines. The sides of the dice are numbered 1 through 6. At the start of the game, one of the tokens is set at the square labeled “The King,” and, therefore, we refer to this token as the king. The other two tokens are set at the squares labeled “Start for Chaser,” and, therefore, we refer to these tokens as the chasers. The player randomly picks one of the squares labeled “Start for Chaser” to initially land the player’s chaser. Players decide about the length and the number of the fence lines to be set in the play board. At the beginning of the game, each player locates the player’s own fence lines in the board. The fence lines are used as barrier for the tokens. The king or the chaser tokens cannot cross a fence line but, rather, must go around it. The players take turns in playing the game. The player who starts the game is called the king player and the opponent is called the chaser player. The king player throws the two dice. Based on the total the player gets, the player moves the king token that many squares toward a home base. The objective of the king player is to touch all the four home bases without being touched/caught by the chaser (the opponent). In each move, the king player seeks the shortest path to the home base not touched yet. On the chaser player’s turn, the chaser player moves the token (that initially is set on one of the squares labeled “Start for Chaser”), trying to touch the king token. If the chaser reaches/touches the king, the chaser becomes the king player. The new king player places the king token at the king’s square (in the center of the board) and does not move the chaser token from the current position. The new chaser throws the dice and moves the chaser token (initially set at one of the “Start for Chaser” squares) in such a way to stop the king from reaching the home bases. While programming the game, consider the following: the king token cannot jump over chaser tokens but, rather, must go around them; a chaser token cannot jump over another chaser token; a chaser token cannot land on a home base square; a player cannot count a square twice; the chaser token must move over as many squares as the number shown on the rolled dice; the king token moves over as many squares as the number shown on the rolled dice. User Interface 1. Build a welcome form. 2. Build a form that includes the following items: a. Create a 9 by 9 play board in an Excel spreadsheet. The slots/cells of the play board should be squared. Label the cells of the board as described above. b. Insert a combo box that allows the players to select the total number of fence lines. c. Insert a combo box that allows the player to pick a color for the board. d. Insert a combo box that allows the player to pick a color for the token. e. Insert a combo box that allows the player to choose whether the game will be played between the player and the computer or between two players. Upon submission of this information, text boxes appear for the player(s) to type in the name(s). f. Insert a combo box that allows the players to choose who will start the game. g. Insert text boxes that present the name of the player who should play next. h. Display a message box in the following cases: i. If the game is over. The message box presents the name of the winner. ii. If a player made an illegal move. i. Insert a command button that allows the player to choose whether to replay the game or close the program. Design a logo for this game. Insert this logo in the forms created above. Pick a background color and a font color for the forms created. Include the following in the forms created: record navigation command buttons, record operations command buttons, and form operations command buttons as needed.