Problem 4. (Coherent Demodulation) Let m(t) be the message signal with a bandwidth W, and let u(t) ...
Problem 4. (Coherent Demodulation) Let m(t) be the message signal with a bandwidth W, and let u(t) denote the transmission signal of conventional DSB AM, i.e., u(t)=(1+amn?(t))Ac?cos(?c?t). Suppose we want to recover the message signal from u(t). The so-called coherent demodulation achieves this objective by (i) multiplying u(t) with cos(?c?t) and (ii) pass it through an ideal low pass filter with the cutoff frequency W (i.e., an LTI system with the frequency response H(j?) equal to 1 if ????W, and 0 otherwise.) What is the output y(t) of the low pass filter?