Problem 2: The open-loop op-amp circuit shown below is known as a window comparator: Vec+ Vcc+ - V ...
Problem 2: The open-loop op-amp circuit shown below is known as a window comparator: Vec+ Vcc+ - Vout R? VHI R? A? Vcc- Vcc+ A2 Vcc- Vcc- In such a circuit, the output voltage Vout behaves as follows: Vout= (Vcc+i Va1 AND vaz > 0 Vcc-; Vd1 OR Vdz < 0 a) If R? = 1kQ2, R? = 3kQ2, R3 = 1 kQ, Vcc+= 5 V, Vcc=0 V, and Rini and Rin2 >> R1, R2, and R3, determine the voltages VHI and VLO for the circuit above. (10 points). b) - d) Using the results from part a), determine Vout for the following input voltages: b) Vin = 0.5 V (10 points); c) Vin = 2.5 V (10 points); and d) Vin = 4.5 V (10 points). e) Using the results of parts b)-d), develop an output voltage relationship like the one above using Vin, VHI, and VLO (10 points). VLO R3 + Vin o /50