Problem 1: A solid cylindrical shaft has a diameter of d = 20 mm and is made from steel with an ul ...
Problem 1: A solid cylindrical shaft has a diameter of d = 20 mm and is made from steel with an ultimate strength of Su = 850 MPa. For each of the following conditions, determine the safety factor (n) with respect to infinite fatigue life (endurance strength Se) and fracture strength (Sf) at 5 x 104 cycles. The loading is applied at room temperature (a) With a bending moment of M = 100 Nm (no axial load or torsion), a cold-drawn surface finish and a reliability of 95%. (b) With a torsional load of T = 200 Nm (no axial load or bending), a ground surface finish and a reliability of 99%. M T Page < 2 M of 2 ZOOM + »k