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(Solved): Printable Video Worksheet Crash Course Biology Name Date \#8-Photosynthesis 1. What three "ingredie ...

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Printable Video Worksheet Crash Course Biology Name Date \#8-Photosynthesis 1. What three "ingredients" are required for photosynthesis? 2. The roots of the plants absorb the water and bring it to the leaves through tissues called 3. Carbon dioxide gets in and oxygen gets out through tiny pores in the leaves called 4. What kind of particles are absorbed by chlorophyli? 5. Chlorophyll is stashed in membranous sacks called 6. Stacks of thylakoids are called 7. What ultra-stable molecule is split during PSII? 8. Photosystem II stores energy as 9. The intermediate stage between PSII and PSI is called the 10. Photosystem / stores energy as 11. Stage 2 of photosynthesis involves the 12. The Calvin Cycle begins inside the chloroplast, in the space called the 13. The enzyme RuBisCo is used to fix RuBP to 14. 3 RuBPs are converted into how many G3Ps? 15. What three-carbon compound is considered the ultimate product of photosynthesis? 16. How many G3Ps are needed to regenerate the Calvin Cycle? 1Q - interactive Quizres, 2018

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1. The three "ingredients" required for photosynthesis are water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight.

2. The roots of the plants absorb water and transport it to the leaves through specialized tissues called xylem.

3. Carbon dioxide enters the leaves and oxy...
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