Please provide matlab script
Consider the simple series RLC circuit shown in figure below, the cir ...
Please provide matlab script
Consider the simple series RLC circuit shown in figure below, the circuit has the following parameters: \[ \begin{array}{l} \mathrm{R}=1 \Omega \\ \mathrm{L}=0.2 \text { Henry, and } \\ \mathrm{C}=0.05 \text { Farad } \end{array} \] The system is governed by the following equations: \[ \begin{array}{l} V_{s}=V_{R}+V_{L}+V_{c}, \\ V_{R}=I R, \\ V_{L}=L \frac{d I}{d t^{\prime}} \\ V_{C}=\frac{1}{c} \int I(t) d t \text { Or } I=C \frac{d V_{c}}{d t} \end{array} \] Simulation: (8 Pts) Construct a Simulink model for this system such that the input is the supply voltage \( V_{s} \) and the output is the voltage across the resistor \( V_{R} \), use a pulse generator source with an amplitude of \( V_{s}=5 \) Volts a period of 10 seconds and pulse width of \( 20 \% \) of the time. Use a simulation time of 50 seconds. File Name format/Submission: (2 Pts) Use the following format for the Simulink file name: (2 Pts) firstName_lastName_Assign6.slx, Example name: Mohammed_ElSayed_Assign6.slx