(Solved): please help with schematic design in quartus prime Task 2 - Using an encoder (part 74148 in Quartus) ...
please help with schematic design in quartus prime
Task 2 - Using an encoder (part 74148 in Quartus) and other logic necessary, create a circuit that will indicate what switch number is active (HIGH) on the FPGA board. Priority is assigned to the higher number switch. For example, if switch \( 6,3,2 \), and 1 are active, switch 6 will take priority and is indicated on the output. Indicate the switch number on a 7 -segment display. Verify the functionality on a FPGA board with the TA for all switches being displayed properly on the 7 segment display. Simulation is not required for task 2. Turn in the schematic(s) used to create the circuit with the lab report. Note: You may use the part 7447 (BCD to 7 -segment) to interface the encoder output to the 7-segment display. A is the LSB input of the BCD number. The inputs LTN, RBIN, and BIN will not be used and must be tied inactive. \( O A \) is segment \( O, O B \) is segment 1 , etc. for the 7 - segment output.