Please help me write this code with python.
Activity \#2: Plotting data - individual This program will be a follow-on to the program from last week's individual assignment, Activity \#3. In that assignment, you read in weather data from the file WeatherDataCLL.csv. Write a program named to (again) read in weather data from the same file and plot the data in a set of graphs described below. You may re-use code from the previous assignment for reading in data from a file. Using matplotlib, create the following 4 graphs. 1) Create a line graph that shows both the maximum temperature and average wind speed plotted over the period of time. Both lines should be plotted on the same graph, with date on the \( \mathrm{x} \)-axis, and different \( y \) axes for the two different measurements. (Please do not spend time dealing with "date data type." Please just consider the dates in the data to be strings, or, you may simply consider the days as integers for plotting.) 2) Create a histogram of the average wind speed. The \( x \) axis should cover a reasonable range of average wind speeds, and the \( y \) axis should show the number of days that had an average wind speed in the specific range. Based upon Dr. Keyser's Original 1 Revised Fall 2022 SNR Lab: Topic 12 (individual) 3) Create a scatterplot indicating the relationship (or lack thereof) between average wind speed and minimum temperature (one on each axis). 4) Create a bar chart, with one bar per calendar month (each month from all 3 years), showing the average temperature, along with lines indicating the highest high and lowest low temperatures from that month. a. Note: You may want to create new lists of data, but you may find it useful to use the \( \max / \mathrm{min} / \) sum functions on lists. b. This is a great problem to practice using dictionaries!
See the example plots below. Your plots do NOT have to look exactly the same, but they must include a title, axis labels, and a legend (where appropriate). You should also learn how to control the width, color, and shape of your lines and plotted points, as well as ensure your scales/ranges are set appropriately to display all of the data nicely, however these are highly subjective and you will not be graded on them. Include all four (4) plots in your program.