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(Solved): Please assist with questions 1 through 4 1. Below are the structures of two complex lipids a glycol ...
Please assist with questions 1 through 4
1. Below are the structures of two complex lipids a glycolid (a) and a sphingolipid (b). Would either of these compounds give you a positive test with molybdate solution? Explain. 2. In the structures above, circle and label the ?-D-glucose unit and the choline unit. 3. Samples were initially hydrolyzed with nitric acid before the molybdate test was carried out. Explain why this hydrolysis was done. 4. From your results, what is present in corn oil? Is it a pure triglyceride?
The answer to your given question is Part According to given problem we have and .Among these two compounds, the Sphingolipid would give a positive test with molybdate solution because of the presence of phoshate group in it structural moiety. And we know That five phosphate give precipitate with molybdenum solution (characteristics of phosphate group).