please answer these 2 questions.
10. (a) What is a siphon spillway? Enumerate the two types ...
please answer these 2 questions.
10. (a) What is a siphon spillway? Enumerate the two types of saddle syphon spillways, and describe with a neat sketch the component parts and functioning of one of these two types : (b) A siphon spillway has the following cross-sectiôn at its throat : Height of the throat =1.5m Width of the throat =4m. At thè design flow, the tail water elevation in 7m below the summit of the siphon, and the heac water elevation is 2m above the summit, (i) Taking a coefficient of discharge as 0.6; determine the capacity of the syphon (ii) Determine the head that would be required on an ogee spillway 3.8m long tc discharge this flow, if coefficient of discharge is 2.25; (iii) What length of this ogee weir would be required to discharge the same flow with a head of 2.2m on the crest.
12. Design a syphon aqueduct with the following data : For Canal Discharge Bed width F.S. depth R.I. of bed For Drainage High flood discharge =56 cumecs HFL =32m tevel of 10 a water =268.20m General bed level of 10w water cross-section =265.50m General grounid level =267.20m