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(Solved): Perform a compass rule adjustment using the data given with the diagram below. In addition to comp ...

Perform a compass rule adjustment using the data given with the diagram below. In addition to computing coordinates, include

Perform a compass rule adjustment using the data given with the diagram below. In addition to computing coordinates, include the additional step of computing post-adjustment distances and azimuths for the traverse lines. You must submit your homework as an Excel spreadsheet which includes enough text labels so your work is easy to follow. Solutions that are too difficult to follow will not be graded. All submissions must be made online in Canvas.

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To perform the compass rule adjustment and compute post-adjustment distances and azimuths for the traverse lines, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Open a new Excel spreadsheet.

Step 2: Label the columns as follows: Line, Angle (DMS), Distance, Initial Coordinates (N), Initial Coordinates (E), Adjusted Coordinates (N), Adjusted Coordinates (E), Post-Adjustment Distance, Post-Adjustment Azimuth.

Step 3: Enter the given data into the corresponding cells:

In the Angle (DMS) column:
ABC: 242°19'59"
BCD: 85°31'22"
CDE: 88°20'58"
DEF: 148°58'37"
EFG: 115°40'33"
FGA: 91°14'13"
GAB: 127°54'40"
In the Distance column:
AB: 706.81'
BC: 378.50"
CD: 664.97'
DE: 951.83'
EF: 994.10'
FG: 770.49"
GA: 945.61'

The above question appears to be related to the field of surveying or geomatics, specifically focusing on traverse computations and compass rule adjustment. Surveying is a subject within civil engineering and geomatics that deals with the measurement and mapping of the Earth's surface.
The concept being addressed in the question is the compass rule adjustment, which is a method used in surveying to adjust traverse measurements and determine accurate coordinates for surveyed points. The compass rule adjustment involves applying corrections to initial coordinates based on observed angles and distances, considering the geometry of the traverse and the principles of trigonometry. The goal is to refine the coordinates of the points and ensure the closure of the traverse.
Overall, the question combines concepts from surveying, trigonometry, and coordinate geometry to perform computations and adjustments for a traverse survey.

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