Part 3 - DTMF Keypad Design You will build a DTMF based keypad (see Figure 4) utilizing the signal generators in the lab. Note that you must make appointments to be able to use them. Investigate what is a DTMF. You will generate the corresponding sounds when you push any of the buttons of the keypad. Do not forget to use a speaker or a buzzer. You do not have to build the entire keypad. You need to build a circuit for one button only. Though, the row frequency and the column frequency will be adjusted through the signal generator during the demonstration. So, with a single button and the corresponding circuitry, you will be able to mimic sounds for each button during the demonstration. Propose the schematic of the corresponding button and the circuit. Do a comprehensive theoretical analysis of the circuit. Implement it in LTSpice. Implement it in a physical circuit. Do necessary measurements or analysis to completely validate the circuit and the desired behavior. Figure 4. A representative keypad utilizing DTMF. i made two oscillator for high and row frequencies and used summing amplifier. how am I gonna implement the button. show it in the ltspice or sketch the circuit.