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On paper, construct an indirect truth table for the following argument. Then answer the question t ...
On paper, construct an indirect truth table for the following argument. Then answer the question that follows. \[ (A \bullet B) \vee(C \bullet D) / B \supset(E \bullet F) / D \supset(G \bullet H) / / F \vee H \] This argument is
22. Chapter 6 - Questions 28 and 29
23. Chapter 6 - Questions 30 and 31 On paper, construct an indirect truth table for the following argument. Then answer the question that follows. \( A \vee B / A \supset(C \bullet D) / B \supset(E \bullet F) / / D \bullet F \) This argument is
23. Chapter 6 - Questions 30 and 31 On paper, constri valid ct truth table for the following argument. Then answer the sound \( \mathrm{A} \vee \mathrm{B} / \mathrm{A} \supset(\mathrm{C} \) uncogent cogent invalid This argument is
24. Chapter 6 - Questions 32 and 33 On paper, construct an indirect truth table for the following statements. Then answer the question that follows. \[ A \supset(B \supset C) / D \supset(C \supset F) / A \supset D / F \supset \sim B / A \bullet B \]
24. Chapter 6 - Questions 32 and 33 \( C \) ving statements. Then answer the question that follows.