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Nucleophilic Substitution Preparation of Nerolin From the procevtse 1. Place \( 2.0 \mathrm{~mL} \ ...
Nucleophilic Substitution Preparation of Nerolin From the procevtse 1. Place \( 2.0 \mathrm{~mL} \) of ethanol, approximately \( 0.29 \mathrm{~g} \) of 2-faphthel, and \( 0.17 \mathrm{~g} \) of potassium tydrowide into the leng neck, round bottom flask. Mass of 2-naphthol uscd (g) Note: Thn balance was 1arnd with thn wnigh napor hnforn weighing the \( 2- \)-7iphthnl From the proctut 2. Swirl the mixture gently for 5 minutes to allow dissolution and the acid-base reaction to occur 3 Add \( 0.20 \mathrm{mll} \) af indacthans to the flask. Volume of iodoethane used \( (\mathrm{mL}) \)
Mass of product obtained \( (9) \) Note: The balance was lared with the weigh paper before adding the dry crystals (2pts) Nucleophilic Substitution Preparation of Nerolin (2pts) Draw a balanced nquat on for the reaction. Include drawings of the structures of the resetant and product.
(2pts) Product percent yield (2pte) Is your percent yield within reason of what you woul Normal \( \rightleftharpoons \) B \( \mid I \) U \( \quad x_{3}\left|x^{1}\right| \rightarrow \) (8pts) Melting Point Determination
Frevi Me avateshuve 17. obtain an IR spoctrum of the product. IR Spectrum for Product Obtained (2ptsi) Uploed your annotated IR 8pectrum. (2pts) Complote the tahln with 3 Anjor IR posks.
(2pts) Use 1-2 key peaks to justify what compound(s) that you think are present. \( (2 \mathrm{pts}) \) Does this suggest that your reaction worked? Use 1 or two key IR peaks to justify your answer. \( (2 \mathrm{pts}) \) What does this IR data indicate about the purity of the product? Use 1 or two key IR peaks to justify your answer.