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Note: Read the PowerPoint slides to answer the following questions. 1. List the layers on the O ...
Note: Read the PowerPoint slides to answer the following questions. 1. List the layers on the OSI environment. 2. What are the functions of the physical layer of the OSI model? 3. What are the functions of the Transport layer of the OSI model? 4. How many layers are in TCP/IP protocol and list them. 5. What does the following abbreviation stands for? a. IGMP b. OSPF c. UDP d. MIME e. SNMP f. HTTP g. IP h FTP i. RSVP j. BGP
The seven layers of the OSI model are:Physical LayerData Link LayerNetwork LayerTransport LayerSession LayerPresentation LayerApplication LayerThe physical layer of the OSI model is responsible for the following functions-sending unprocessed data over the communication linkencoding and decoding signals used to represent dataregulating the connections between devices physicallydescribing the transmission medium's physical properties, such as its voltage levels, data rate, and transmission mode.